¿Que onda con Cruise?
What is going on with Tom Cruise? He's kinda weird now. He has this nervous, fake, loud laughter on every interview. And he always has the chicle next to him. It's all good to be devoted and into your thing, but I don't like the way he asserts everything like he's THE expert. He may be very well informed, but it's obvious he has really bought into the "psychiatrists are evil and out to control the minds" philosophy of scientology (I don't KNOW about it, but I'm going by what I've read on the internet, which may or may not be true as we all know). Anyone who suggests studies showing that drugs can help gets the "look at who's done the studies" response...oh, yeah, those evil psychiatrists and drug companies! I agree that some ppl overmedicate and diagnose everything as some sort of illness curable with drugs. Painkillers are illegally sold on the street, too. Should they not be prescribed either? Let ppl meditate to make the pain go away, right? I've seen the good and bad effects of ADHD drugs in the classroom. It doesn't mean that they should be totally dismissed, just maybe more controlled. I don't know how to do this, so I guess my opinion is just as worthless as his b/c we're not really doing anything about it besides talking.
i guess you saw the today show, too? what a pompous JERK!
Cruise is going crazy...I could go for some of his arguements on an overdependence on drugs but to call the field of psychology a "pseudo-science" is just absurd. I think he has forgotten to take his medication and that's why he is taking like a mad man.
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